07 December 2012

In Remembrance of Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941 is a day that will never be forgotten by our Nation and especially by our Service Men and Women.  Today, we recall the shock of war.  We remember the men and women who lost thier lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor and elsewhere across the Pacific as the Japan of that era took its leap forward to dominate.  We remember the heroic sacrifices as men and women rose up to fight back, to help others, to sacrifice themselves in the slaughter of that morning.

Today, our Service Men and Women often find themselves in the midst of terror and war.  They still choose to join.  They still choose to stand up for what they believe in.  They still choose to put our USA first and their own lives, their own families, their own dreams second.  They still choose to sacrifice.

Today, we remember Pearl Harbor and our Armed Services for the sacrifices made and the sacrifices that are still being made.

God bless our American Heroes!

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~C. Borden