
Military Women of God is an Inter-denominational blog written by Christian women affiliated with the military in some way. 

The intent of this blog is to offer other Christian women a place to go for spiritual support as well as resources, no matter whether they currently serve in the military, are a veteran of the military, are retired from the military, or are a spouse to a military member.

Above all, this site seeks to offer up His words of encouragement from the Holy Bible to help these phenomenal women along the paths He has set before them.

Please feel free to share this blog.  If you have any questions, please email: militarywomenofgod@gmail.com

God bless!


Mission Statement:

To reach out to the Christian Women who serve in the Armed Forces.

To reach out to the Military Wives whose spouses servesin the Armed Forces.

To bridge the gap between those women who serve and those women who support.

To draw these Christian women together in Christ to ultimately improve these women's walk with the Lord, to help strengthen their Faith, to offer them valuable resources, to improve their over all quality of life and morale so that they can better Service Members, Wives, and Moms.
