25 March 2013

Rape in the Military

Recent news is again rife with rape scandals from across the Armed Forces.  The Air Force is still "recovering" from the news of gang rapes within the Academy, plus rape and sexual assault in Basic Training and on into Tech School.

Is rape of women (and now also men, according to recent reports) serving as Sisters At Arms something new to the Military?  Has this gone on since women first started joining the ranks?  Why are so many NOW coming forward?

Those are many questions I see in comments to articles.  But those questions do not even begin to address WHY this crime is not just happening, but why it seems to be okay to cover up, which in my opinion, just encourages this trend to continue.

Rape and sexual assault do not happen by accident.  While it may not be "premeditated," the person committing the act knows full well what they are doing and know, even in our modern society, that to push oneself on another is flat out wrong.  This should be especially true for someone serving in the Armed Forces, where we are called upon to live a life of richer morale, of selflessness, and of more honor.

So then we are back to this question:  WHY are rape and sexual assault cases of both men and women becoming more and more prevalent? 

Perhaps we will never know the complete and accurate reason.  However, one thing is for sure, there is obviously a loss of honor in the ranks.  There is certainly a loss of value for human dignity and human well-being in the ranks.  From the top down, we are seeing more dirty cases being hushed, being covered up with a slap on the hand for the aggressor, and a shameful discharge of the victim.

Rape is not the only indicator that the Armed Forces as a whole is losing its own morality.  The increasing number of divorces in the military because of unfaithful spouses, the increasing number of assaults, and the increase in crime in general in the military, prove it.

Women like myself joined the military for many different reasons.   For me it was skills training, education, opportunities to move, and a sense of pride in my Country.   Women like myself joined the military knowing we might be called upon to put our lives at risk in confrontation of an enemy.  Never would we have thought that the enemy might be our fellow Soldier, Sailor, Marine, or Airman.  Never would we have thought that the enemy might be able to hide behind the ranks of those who are supposed to advocate for us.

Shame on the Armed Forces for allowing this immorality to seep into its ranks.  Shame on the Leadership who thought it would be more beneficial to protect the criminal and get rid of the victim.  Shame on the personnel who lost their sense of honor and who forgot their core values.

Bravo to the men and women who are coming forward and being heard!  My prayers go out to you as your lives are forever changed.  I pray that you can move forward toward forgiveness and may you find peace even in the aftermath of the hell you have gone through.

((I am going to research avenues of help that you might turn to if you are a victim that has yet to come forward.  Please come back in a few days and view my tab: Military Resources to access those links.))

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