18 March 2013

Musical Monday

The song I have chosen for this week is dedicated to the men and women I personally know who are struggling through deployments, moves, separations from family, separations from spouses, divorces, and deaths.
HE said... 
Do you remember what HE said?
The struggle does not mean He has left you.  The pain is real.  The sadness is real.  But there is Hope!  He offers Peace!
He offers His hand and wants to carry you through it.
He wants to see you become better and stronger on the other side.
God Bless You!


  1. You have chosen yet another song that speaks to ME! Thank you.

  2. ((HUGS))
    HE said... So very, very much! :)
    God bless you, my friend!


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Thank you, and God bless you!
~C. Borden